I just realized that I never posted this article I co-authored with Professor Darcy MacPherson in July of 2013. Guindon was recently heard by the Supreme Court of Canada - its decision has not been released as yet. The reason Guindon is of such importance is that a criminal penalty under the Income Tax Act was invoked against Ms. Guindon for participating in a fraudulent donation scheme causing concern amongst tax practitioners.
Recently the FCA reversed the TCC in Guindon
(2012 TCC 287; rev'd. 2013 FCA 153) and restored the CRA's assessment
of third-party penalties under section 163.2 of the Act (see "Criminal
Liability for Partnerships?" Canadian Tax Highlights,
January 2013). The TCC had concluded that the provision had "true penal
consequences" that triggered Charter section 11 protections, such as
the requirement of proof beyond a reasonable doubt and the presumption
of innocence.
Ms. Guindon
had provided a legal opinion that vouched for a donation scheme (which
represented that she had reviewed documentation that she had not
reviewed) and also prepared 134 tax receipts issued to participants in
the scheme. The government appealed the TCC's finding that section
which on the facts resulted in penalties totalling $564,747, created a
criminal offence. The FCA decided several points. First, in order for
Charter section 11 to invalidate section 163.2, a notice of
constitutional question must be served (and it was not). Second, section
163.2 did not meet the test for a criminal provision under SCC case
law. Third, the FCA rejected the idea that some Charter section 11
rights applied to the extent that they were not inconsistent with
section 163.2. Fourth, having decided that the constitutional argument
could not be made, the court concluded that the taxpayer was liable
under section 163.2.
the federal Crown was the appellant in this case, a factor that
arguably diminished its need for notice, a notice of constitutional
question must be served on both the federal and provincial attorneys
general when a party seeks a finding that a section of the Act is
invalid, inoperative, or inapplicable. Notice gives the attorneys
general a chance to intervene and participate in the process that may
affect their own laws. Service of the notice is a statutory procedural
requirement under both the Tax Court of Canada Act and the Federal
Courts Act, and the absence of service took away the TCC's jurisdiction
to consider the matter. The FCA noted that Ms. Guindon
did not ask the TCC to exercise its discretion to adjourn proceedings
to allow notice to be served, and she did not serve notice or ask for an
adjournment in the FCA.
the FCA concluded that service of notice of constitutional question is
required before the court can consider the matter, it concluded that
section 163.2 was
constitutional because it was not criminal in nature. This raises the
interesting question of the line between obiter dicta and binding
conclusions of a court. Although there is jurisprudence to the effect
that even obiter of the SCC is binding on lower courts, the situation
for pronouncements of the FCA is an open question. Arguably, the
discussion of an issue should be reserved for a court that has
jurisdiction to hear the matter and has the benefit of hearing from all
interested parties. Nonetheless, the FCA's reasoning about whether
section 163.2 creates an offence that is criminal in nature will no
doubt be given significant weight.
The court dismissed as "overstated" the concerns
of commentators about the fairness of section 163.2 and the potential
for its misuse. It pointed out that the jurisprudence is "in an
embryonic state. What now appears to some to be uncertain and worrying
may later be addressed satisfactorily in the jurisprudence."
The FCA briefly distinguished criminal activity
from culpable conduct on the basis that the latter term is defined in
section 163.2,
a "definition [that] does not bring within it the notion of 'guilt' or
conduct violating some criminal standard." The court prefaced that
comment by saying that each penalty provision in the Act, including
section 163.2, "prescribes a non-discretionary fixed amount or a
non-discretionary formula for the calculation of the penalty. . . . In
no way does the Minister evaluate the moral blameworthiness or turpitude
of the conduct." In contrast, "each of the offence provisions is
punishable by a fine, imprisonment, or both, none of which is fixed or
calculated by a rigid formula." Arguably, even the mechanical
calculation of a potentially onerous penalty against a third party with a
reference to his or her "culpable activity" (as described in Finance's
original technical notes) may indicate that the targeted offence is
considered more than administrative in nature. The triggering phrase
itself, "culpable conduct," suggests moral blameworthiness and is
defined in terms that evoke wrongdoing. The court appears to have
analogized the section 163.2 penalty to the administrative penalty for
late filing, which is a strict liability provision that does not inquire
into the taxpayer's mental state.
The FCA cited the SCC as authority for the
conclusion that either all or no section 11 Charter protections apply,
depending on whether a person has been charged with a criminal offence.
However, the court did not deal with a line of cases that gives a court
the non-Charter authority to interpret a provision as requiring mens rea
when it is silent concerning the mental element (see Beaver,
[1957] SCR 531). Thus, apart from the Charter, the FCA could have
interpreted section 163.2 to require a higher level of proof than other
penalty provisions or a presumption of innocence, perhaps on the basis
of an analysis of the term "culpable conduct."
The TCC concluded that as a question of fact Ms. Guindon had engaged in culpable conduct as defined in section 163.2 ,
and thus it was unnecessary for the FCA to decide the issue. The FCA
went on to say that administrative penalties may be harsh, and the
minister may be asked to exercise her discretion to cancel some or all
of the penalty (subsection 220(3.1)). Perhaps anticipating criticism of
this alternative-criticism that some would argue is warranted-the FCA
pointed out that the minister must exercise her discretion on the basis
of the fairness purpose behind subsection 200(3.1) and a rational
assessment of all relevant circumstances. "Her discretion must be
genuinely exercised and must not be fettered or dictated by policy
statements such as Information Circular 07-1."
The court also noted the possibility of a challenge under Charter
section 12, which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment, but was
skeptical-justifiably, in our view-of its success.
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